Teeth Whitening


A beautiful and vibrant smile says a lot about a person. Your smile is not just an image; it is a part of you that is shared with others around you. Clean and white teeth are known to attract attention and subconsciously we tend to judge individuals by their smile.


Statistics reveal that we place a high value on our smiles. According to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey:

  • Virtually all adults (99.7%) believe a smile is an important social asset. 96% of adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex.
  • Three-quarters (74%) of adults feel an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chance for career success.
  • And when respondents were asked, “What would you like to improve most about your smile?” The most common response was: whiter & brighter teeth. If you are not happy with your smile, teeth whitening may be a good first step.


There are many different reasons why our teeth become darker or discolor as we age. Genetics, certain spices such as turmeric and antibiotics such as Tetracycline are factors. Plus as we age teeth naturally become darker. Trauma can also discolor teeth. An impact to the tooth can lacerate the nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth causing internal staining that shows through. There are many options available to change the color of teeth. For more information, contact Dr. Baseri for a consolation and see how your teeth can look youthful and vibrant once again.

Create the White and Bright Smile that you've always wanted!


Every Smile tells a Story.

Share the story behind your smile and you could win a smile makeover!

Your smile is your character and expression of who you are. There are many smiles that pain a different picture. Land that dream job or improve your self-esteem. If you are in a relationship or planning to get in to aromatic relationship, then it is never too late to give yourself the chance to show off your smile and attract attention. Have other people say what a beautiful smile you have. If your smile is not satisfying you and you feel you can benefit by changing the color or shape of your smile then it is never too late to contact Dr. Baseri for free consultation. Find out about your options and what could be done for you.