Deep Cleaning Los Angeles, CA

deep cleaning Los Angeles, CA

Your dentist may require you to undergo deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA when your gums are in bad shape. In fact, deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA is the first line of defense from advanced cases of gum diseases.

It may sound like bad news to hear that you may need deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA, but this operation actually helps patients avoid more drastic measures. Most dentists recommend deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA because it is the best non-surgical treatment for chronic gum conditions.

The process of deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA is done to prevent bone loss. Deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA also decreases the chances of other health issues, such as diabetes and heart diseases. 

When Do You Need Deep Cleaning in Los Angeles, CA?

A Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation (CPE) will tell whether or not a patient needs deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA. Measuring the spaces between the gums, or the periodontal pocket, is the first step to finding out if a person needs to undergo deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA.

A healthy periodontal pocket depth is usually three millimeters or less. People with pockets that exceed four millimeters are advised by dental professionals to have deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA.

According to dental experts, performing deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA should only be limited to the affected area. It’s also ideal for adults to receive an annual CPE to determine whether they need deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA. 

What Are the Processes Involved in Deep Cleaning in Los Angeles, CA?

A session of deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA can be done using electric and ultrasonic equipment or manual scaling instruments. Deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA is also known as the scaling and root planning, the two essential processes of the procedure.

Scaling in deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA is carried out by removing plaque and tar buildup above and below the gums. Meanwhile, root planning refers to the process in deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA that involves gently cleaning the surface of a tooth’s roots.

What Should You Expect After Going Through Deep Cleaning in Los Angeles, CA?

Following an appointment for deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA, patients should be wary of infection. They may also experience soreness and sensitivity a few days after the operation. Improvements will kick in a few weeks after having a deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA when the gums begin to heal.

After a deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA, patients must be more mindful of their dental hygiene. Professionals recommend brushing and flossing twice a day, especially after eating sweets. Patients are also advised to use special medical toothpaste and rinse with anti-bacterial mouthwash after a deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA.

Smoking is highly discouraged as this activity contributes to developing or worsening gum diseases. Taking these steps is necessary to hasten a person’s recovery after a deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA.

Contact Smile Recreation if You Need Deep Cleaning in Los Angeles, CA

If you have a gum condition, immediately consult our dentist to determine if you need deep cleaning. Los Angeles, CA residents can rely on Smile Recreation for top-quality dental care. We are equipped with the most advanced technology, which enables us to offer outstanding services for our patients.

We acknowledge and understand that visits to the dentist can be daunting. That’s why we do our best to eliminate this stigma. Smile Recreation aims to provide the most enjoyable dental visits possible. You can rest assured that our friendly staff members will make you feel comfortable during your appointments.

Our services range from dental emergencies, such as wisdom tooth extractions, root canals, and deep cleaning in Los Angeles, CA, to advanced cosmetic treatments like the installation of crowns and veneers. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment with our dentist.

Transforming Smiles, One Dental Visit at a Time

Great dental health provides more benefits than you may realize. Aside from reducing the risks of oral infections, it also boosts your self-esteem. With its power to improve the overall quality of your life, it only makes sense to prioritize taking care of your teeth. However, brushing and flossing aren’t enough. To keep your teeth in their best condition, it’s best to seek the help of an experienced dentist.

Smile Recreation is one of the leading dental clinics in Los Angeles. Our goal is to provide outstanding service to our patients and make their visit an enjoyable one. Learn more about our company and how we can restore your beautiful smile. 

The Man Behind the Greatest Smiles

Dr. Bernard Baseri, DDS, founder of Smile Recreation, traces his humble beginnings as a lab technician who specialized in dental ceramics. After his stint as a master ceramist, he enrolled in the University of Southern California and completed his degree at the Ostrow School of Dentistry.

Since then, Dr. Baseri has always spent his time helping geriatric, pediatric, and adult patients with their oral health problems. His vast experience and extensive training have enabled him to provide the highest quality of dental care to anyone who might need it. That’s why when you choose Dr. Baseri, you’re choosing to smile confidently again.

Why We’re One of the Best in Modern Dentistry

We always strive to address the needs of our patients.  Our clinic is equipped with the most advanced technology, so we can provide various dental services such as:

·      Deep Cleaning

This procedure is done to treat Periodontitis. We treat the infected area by removing tartar and bacteria from the affected part of the teeth and in their roots.

·      Laser Gum Therapy

If you want an extensive treatment for any gum disease, this is your best option. We use laser beams to remove diseased tissues, which prevents bacteria from growing back in the gums.

·      Invisalign

Instead of using wires and brackets, our patients can opt for aligners made of smooth plastic. These will help straighten their teeth without the painful side effect that normal braces bring.

·      Teeth Whitening

Discoloration is caused by varying factors like genetics or trauma. The good news is that we can help you restore your bright smile with our teeth whitening service.

·      Treatment for Sleep Apnea

This sleeping disorder happens when the lower jaw slips backward, which makes a person snore excessively. If left untreated, this can obstruct your airways.

·      Veneers

We use veneers to repair worn out, stained, chipped, or misaligned teeth. These thin layers of porcelain will be placed over the surface of the affected parts to help restore their natural beauty.

·      Porcelain Crown

Unlike veneers, a dental crown covers more than the surface of a tooth. This is the best option if you want to restore the original shape of your teeth.

·      White Fillings

Unlike other dental clinics, we use colorless fillings to close the gaps in our patients’ teeth. This special sealant is made up of quartz, ceramic particles, powdered glass, and silica bound with a resin base.

·      Implants

Losing a tooth shouldn’t be a problem. Dental implants can replace teeth and serve as foundations for crowns, bridges, and dentures.

·      Root Canal

Infected nerves and damaged tissues can cause severe toothache. The good thing is that we can help eliminate the pain through this procedure. And after that, we can also help rebuild your teeth with a crown.

·      Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Removing your wisdom teeth doesn’t have to hurt. We offer painless tooth extractions with the use of general anesthesia.

·      Nitrous Oxide Sedation

It’s inevitable for some patients to feel nervous around dentists. That’s why we provide this to help reduce triggers that can compromise their dental treatment.

·      Denture and Partial Denture

Sometimes patients lose several or all their teeth. The good news is that we can help fill the empty space with dentures.

Show the World Your Brightest Smile

If you’re looking for exceptional dental services, look no further than Smile Recreation. Visit us at 6221 Wilshire Blvd #517, Los Angeles, CA 90048. You may also call us at (323) 413-2903. We are available for emergency dentistry as well.